Monday, October 6, 2008

Okay so I decided to give this thing a try. Not that anyone is really that interested, but I thought if everyone is doing it, why not me. I get a kick out of reading other peoples so maybe the same goes for mine.


Lacey said...

Well, if you really want us to check your blog... I love pictures. Lots of them. Yea! I found you. I am just that good. How are you!!! I am adding you to my family category on my blog, its getting larger! My blog is Ok, go be interesting so I have something to read!!
-Lots of love from Washington

Lacey said...

I have to say cuz your not off to the best start!! Pics are nice... so are words! Hee hee, love to hear from you!

Kelly said...

Lisa where are you at. I hope all well. We would love to here from you and see you cute kids. Put some pics up. See ya later.
